Here are Your Free Gifts for Joining My Email List!


Thank you for joining my email list!  

I hope you enjoy these 3 gifts as my personal thank you for signing up.  I've included a 30 minute audio of a talk and guided meditation on Working with Pain & Difficulty, a resource document "Working With Pain and Difficulty" that contains the script I use in this meditation as well as some additional resources for moving through challenges, and "7 Intentions for Meditation and Healing" which contains 7 valuable tips for working on any issue in healing... or in life.

It is my sincere hope that these resources will be helpful to you on your journey of self exploration, personal growth and healing.

Mindful Healing Meditation: Working with Pain and Difficulty -  30 Minute Audio

Working With Pain and Diffficulty - PDF File

7 Intentions for Meditation and Healing - PDF File

Thanks again for joining my community. I'll be in touch soon to keep you informed about my events and offerings.


Dr. Paul Epstein