Seeing with New Eyes: Illness as Opportunity

In this mind-body integrative medicine lecture and experiential workshop we will explore the deeper meanings, messages and opportunities of pain, stress and illness. We will discuss the mind-body connection and the role of attitudes, beliefs, stresses and emotions in the healing process and how biography becomes biology. Through lecture, discussion, writings, drawings, guided imagery and mindfulness meditation you will learn to listen to your symptoms and inner wisdom and live the question of how to face and be with whatever arises in a way that is wise, compassionate and healing.

"When any experience of body, heart, or mind keeps repeating in consciousness, it is a signal that this visitor is asking for a deeper and fuller attention….Under all the tears, the pain, the fear, and the anger we have contracted ourself around, we can find freedom, joy, and ease in the face of all life." – from Jack Kornfield, A Path with Heart

In this workshop, we'll explore how mindfulness meditation practice can be integrated in the process of healing the dis-eases of the body, mind, emotions and spirit. Moving beyond stress reduction to explore mindfulness and healing, we will experience and live questions, see with new eyes and gain new insights.

    • How can we be with and relate to our pain, difficulties, health issues and symptoms in a way that is wise, compassionate and healing? 
    • How can we deepen a healing presence within ourselves? 
    • How can we mindfully and heartfully open to our stresses, difficult mental states, childhood wounds and life stories? 
    • How can we find inner peace and happiness, transform suffering and awaken joy?

Learn to cultivate healing qualities of being....patience, non-judgement, trust, and radical unconditional acceptance. The day will include silence, instruction, discussion, guided meditation, inquiry and contemplation.  Come with a beginner's mind and open heart.

"The real journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes it is in seeing with new eyes".

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