General Audience

LifePath Yoga Center Grand Opening - Saturday Sampler Talk

I am very excited to announce my affiliation with LifePath Yoga in Norwalk, CT. I will be teaching meditation classes and workshops through this wonderful new center. 

Please join Nina, all the other teachers, and me for the grand opening weekend, November 13 - 15, 2015.

Click here for more information on the Grand Opening Events

The Healing Power of Mindfulness

On Friday, Dec. 4 at 11:45 am in the Schine Meeting Room, Dr. Paul Epstein will present a talk on “The Healing Power of Mindfulness – Meditation as Medication.”

In this practical and experiential talk and workshop he’ll discuss:

Happiness Through Meditation

What is happiness? Where does it come from? How is it achieved?

Paul Epstein, author of “Happiness Through Meditation” sheds light on using a mindfulness practice as a path to inner peace and happiness. This concise little book opens the door to this often-elusive state of being with new insights, guided meditations, helpful quotations, and much more.

Facing Life's Challenges & Experiencing Life's Joys

Through lecture, discussion, sharing, and group support, we will learn the mind-body skills of meditation, relaxation, stress reduction and attitudinal healing perspectives.

The class will focus on learning to live life in the present moment. Finding joy, peace, happiness and serenity in the midst of daily life's inevitable ups and downs.

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm, it is peace amidst the storm."

Seeing with New Eyes: Illness as Opportunity

In this mind-body integrative medicine lecture and experiential workshop we will explore the deeper meanings, messages and opportunities of pain, stress and illness. We will discuss the mind-body connection and the role of attitudes, beliefs, stresses and emotions in the healing process and how biography becomes biology. Through lecture, discussion, writings, drawings, guided imagery and mindfulness meditation you will learn to listen to your symptoms and inner wisdom and live the question of how to face and be with whatever arises in a way that is wise, compassionate and healing.

A Whole Person Approach to Healing for People with Cancer

Cancer has become an ever-present part of modern life and few diseases are more feared in our society. Yet, for many people, cancer is a wake-up call to create a new, more conscious life. Increasingly, people from all walks of life are living with or living past cancer. In many cases, people are living a life of even greater meaning and quality than ever before.

Empowered Healing: The Self Healing Journey

Disease tells a story, not just about 'our cells' and a diagnosis but about 'ourselves' and our lives . . . about stress and the mind-body connection. Listening to this story, we are led to the truth of what happened to us and the emotions that lie at the core of our authentic being. Healing happens when we embark on a journey to our true and authentic self. Healing vs. Curing and how to integrate both.
all sickness is home sickness, and all healing is self healing, the journey home to your true self.

Mindfulness and the Family

Cultivate a family life and home filled with peace, contentment and love.

The practice of mindfulness supports healthy communication and cultivating a healthy relationship with oneself and others.

This workshop is designed to encourage, support and deepen mindfulness practice for the whole family. It is a training of the mind and heart, learning how to deal with emotions, enhancing capacity for reflection, relationship and resilience in ourselves and our children with wisdom and compassion.

In this workshop, you will:


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